The STK-44HDBT-MTX is a professional high definition switching grid with 4 HDMI inputs and 4 RJ-45 HDBT outputs to transmit the HDMI + Datas signal over 100 meters to the STK-HDBT-RX-CAT receivers. It is specifically designed to meet the needs of full HD video signal management in professional environments such as conference rooms.
Main characteristics:
- 4 HDMI 1.4 inputs
- 100 meter HDBT outputs in full HD 1080p
- Supports 3D signals
- Also transports
- Supports PoE to power HDBT receivers directly via CAT6 cable.
- RS-232, IP and IR control
- Comes with 2U rack ear, infrared remote control and RS232 and IP drivers
Market Applications:
STK-44HDBT-MTX is perfect for selecting HD sources and independently broadcasting them to multiple monitors in full HD over long distances. Ideal for professional applications (conference rooms, congress centres, universities, hospitals, etc.) or residential applications.